I‘m working on launching a YouTube channel and my first Vlog post is about the things God has used for my purpose. As I started to record I realized that the subject seemed plain and simple. However, as we experience different things in our lives, sometimes it takes a moment to realize what God is doing.
I wanted to share this concept because it has shown true in my life on many occasions. The first thing I wanted to cover in this blog are distractions. Distractions are the things that prevent someone from giving full attention to something else. It’s simple. Sometimes in our lives we’re so focused on what we have created that we go in one hundred percent on what we enjoy, what makes us happy and things that are not necessarily aligned with our purpose.
I want to be clear, sometimes while living life we get comfortable. We are living the best we know how in alignment with God and "religion", but not necessarily relationship. In each season GOD wants to do things in your life, and there will be times when he finds that you are taking a detour from the outcome that he has created. We do this at times by moving in the direction that God has created for our lives, but while operating in our purpose we get focused on the wrong things. Then out of nowhere something happens that will redshift our focus back to God.
This post is probably not for the “super saved” folks that never need God to realign your focus. Those that always believe that they are on the right path and always have it all together. This is for those people who realize that God speaks to us through things, events, challenges and disorder at times. The reality is for some of us, that is the only time that he has our full attention. I know it’s a sad reality, but in life if you’re like me we lose focus and need to reset.
Scripture context: Exodus 3:1-3
“Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.””
One of my fist sermons was given at the jail. I went with my mom and her church to do jail ministry. The message was titled “God Wants Your Attention”. It was the story of Moses and the burning bush. If I can be honest, it was at a time that I felt that God was really doing some things in my life but I didn’t understand the path he had for me. Life was going good but I was comfortable. Before I ever spoke one word I asked God to show me what he was doing in my life because I was experiencing a period of confusion.
The story of Moses was so relevant. It talked about how he was minding his business and tending the flock. Doing what he was good at, in a place where he was comfortable. Then out of nowhere like many of us, GOD changed his path. Moses noticed a fire in a bush. He was intrigued because although it was on fire it did not burn. Out of this bush, God spoke to Moses and revealed his purpose.
It‘s interesting that God used a fire to get Moses's attention In order to speak to him. Like many of us God uses distractions that cause us to dig deeper, believe greater and discover things that were never in our view. I want to point out three things that I’ve learned from distractions.
Distractions Are Not Always From The Enemy | Seek God for Clarity
Although it may seem that the distractions we experience are an attack, sometimes it’s spiritual. What I mean is that we go though seasons that God will allow us to encounter different attacks to reveal a different level in our lives. The reality is that we must be in tune with our spirit to understand the place it has in our Journey. It’s easy to get distracted and revert to our flesh and not our spirit. That’s not what God has for our lives. God wants your attention. He wants to speak to your heart and your purpose, not the comfortable places in your life. He wants you to desire more.
Moses was at the bush and as God began to speak, Moses began to make excuses. Excuses as to why he could not operate in the thing that God had for his journey and why he wasn’t good enough. He spoke to his insecurities and not his purpose.
Sometimes in life distractions come and we speak to what we lack, our faults, and our inabilities. In these instances the enemy will use the very distractions that God has allowed to use them against the purpose God created. Be careful when you face disruptions in your life. Learn to be intentional in seeking God for clarity.
Distractions Are Not Always "Bad" Timing But God's Timing | Kairos Time
You may be wondering what I mean. God’s plans have seasons. Often times we may feel like the different things that occur in our lives that cause disruption from our plans or path are bad timing. Trust that God uses distractions to keep us on target for the plans and things he desires for our lives. I can imagine in the Bible when Lazarus died, they thought it was bad timing. Why didn't Jesus come sooner? Why did he show up after Lazarus died? Why did those around him have to experience the anguish of his death if God could've stepped in and saved him from death?
Things don't happen in our life on accident or happenstance, they are strategically planned by God. In order for God to get out of you what he has intended it has to happen in a specific time. In the Greek it's called "Kairos": the appointed time in the purpose of God.
I read this and thought it was fitting: Kairos time is here. It calls for action, conversion and transformation—a change of life. 11 Corinthians 6:1-2 — Kairos is not just crisis but opportunity and favour. God assists us in discerning the kairos—a moment of grace.
Discerning the seasons of your life are critical to your journey. Sometimes we are going through life and God has to bring us back to the original purpose intended. So the distractions are in perfect time with God. Distractions may seem to be bad timing according to "our" time, but usually occur before a shift in your life. Therefore the distractions you may be experiencing will keep you on target according to God's timing for your life.
Identifying The Patterns of Your Distractions Are Key
We go through different seasons in our life where the distractions seem to be playing on repeat. It's like an old album that keeps skipping. In these seasons I've learned that God wants my attention. God can't give you revelation or guide your life without being able to communicate with you. When things seem like they are falling apart in your life, or you can't understand why you are stuck in a particular season in your life; seek God. He may be trying to reveal to you those patterns that need to change so elevation can occur.
Lord thank you for giving us clarity in our season of distractions. Lord allow us to understand exactly what it is that is necessary in this season. Give us the insight, strength and ability to move beyond our distractions and discover a new level in you. Lord we thank you for everything that you are doing in our lives; speak to us, guide us and mold us in Jesus name Amen!
I hope this message gives you some insight into your journey through distractions. Stay tuned for our next post on communicating with God. Remember to comment, like and share. Be blessed!
